Monday, March 29, 2010

Starting Books that I end up not liking

I figured out one of the reasons I am so far behind Mim and Sarah is that that I pick up books that are recommended by various book clubs etc. No I am not currently in a book club. The book turns out to be too graphic for my taste either sexual or violent. I do read classics and good books and last Dec. finsihed War and Peace which is a difficult book to read. Maybe I just need to read the classics but no I want to try all geners.
Also I think I am behind the schedule because the books I have read are more difficult then Mim and Sarah's; they are only currently reading Young Adult Fiction. I would like to challenge them both to read a classic and something like I just read which is "Three Cups of Tea". This book is about a man name Greg Mortensen who is currently building schools in The Middle East. It is an interesting and informant book. I do think Greg Mortensen is a little off but you just have to read the book to understand.
With all that said I am going to read a coupe of easy reads. Good luck Mim and Sarah and please post more.

1 comment:

  1. Out of the 39 books that I've read, eighteen would be found in the adult section of the library or bookstore.

    I'll request Three Cups of Tea and give it a shot. And what classic would you want me to read? Keep in mind that I read a lot of classics in college, and so it would need to be one that I haven't read. I haven't read most of Jane Austen's stuff (just Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Northhanger Abby) Do you have a time period or genre or sensibility that you want me to choose from?

    Also I really only give a book 50 pages, and if it doesn't have me, I put it down--then I'm not wasting time reading it.
